“There are many optical microscopy and photonics conferences out there. So do we really need another one?
I feel that we do and that there is a distinct need for a specialized super-resolution microscopy conference, especially after the 2014 Nobel-prizes. In this sense, the creation of ICON in 2015 was timely”

Markus Sauer
1st chair of ICON (2016), University of Würzburg

What is ICON?
ICON is intended as a specialized platform in which scientists, both developers and users, engineers, and manufacturers can meet to present the latest developments and applications, to discuss caveats and potential problems, to develop novel ideas, and forge new and strengthen existing collaborations.
Currently ICON focuses on fluorescence-based super-resolution microscopy (SRM) and its application in scientific research and takes place every annually in a plenary form. In the future a dual track may be possible in which a fluorescence-based SRM and label-free and white light SRM are both given room.
See also the conference reports in Nature Photonics:

Local Organizers
Christian Eggeling
Lothar Schermelleh
Rainer Heintzmann
Friedrich Schiller University
Leibniz IPHT
Biochemistry Department
University of Oxford
(United Kingdom)
Friedrich Schiller University
Leibniz IPHT
Series Organizers

Gregor Drummen
Conference Series Organizer
Exxilon Scientific
Events division
Advanced BioImaging (Germany)
Conference Assistant (TBD)
Exxilon Scientific
Events division
Markus Sauer
Oliver Biehlmaier
Christian Eggeling
Alberto Diaspro
Sara Abrahamsson
Theodor Boveri Institute
University of Würzburg (Germany)
Imaging Core Facility Biozentrum
Basel University (Switzerland)
Friedrich Schiller University
Leibniz IPHT
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Genoa
Jack Baskin School of Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz (USA)
Peter McCourt
Cristina Flors
Lydia Danglot
Peter Dedecker
Vascular Biology Research Group, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (Norway)
IMDEA NANOSCIENCE Institute, Madrid (Spain)
NeurImag Imaging Facility
Inserm U894 Paris
Lab for Nanobiology
University of Leuven
Edoardo Charbon
Kseniya Korobchevskaya
Dept. of Microelectronics
Delft University of Technology (Netherlands)
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
CERVO Brain Research
Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology
University of Oxford